Westview Inspection Services has over 20 years mechanical, plumbing and electrical design, project management and inspection experience. We've worked on a variety of buildings, from commercial buildings to townhouses, single family homes and high rise apartment buildings, Westview has been exposed to the good and bad sides of construction. Our extensive field inspection experience and training allows us to identify the difference between quality and poor construction. Just because a home is new does not mean it's built correctly and older homes can be quality if they were built and maintained with care. Bad application or just plain bad workmanship cannot be overcome easily though and sadly there are countless examples of that everywhere. Westview Inspection Services knows the difference.
Westview Inspection Services LLC is located in Charles Town, West Virginia and serves all of the Tri-State area. Along with being a Certified Professional Inspector, Westview is also a Certified Radon Measurement Provider, a member of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI), a member of the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP), is OSHA 10 Certified, Infrared Certified, and holds current LEED AP, International Code Council and Green Globe certifications.
Westview Inspection Services was started because we take pride in helping to educate our clients on how their homes work or may be able to work better. Contact us today and see how we may be able to help you make your home as safe, healthy and efficient as it should be.